Collaboration with Hiring Managers

  | June 18, 2013

The following is an excerpt from our new guide for recruiters, “The Feeding and Care of your Hiring Manager.”

Attend an in-person interview your hiring manager is conducting

We recommend that you attend some of the in-person interviews your hiring manager conducts. If you are a remote recruiter, you can use any number of video conferencing technologies to observe the in-person interview, or ask the hiring manager to record the meeting for you to observe the hiring manager’s interviewing style and line of questioning.

Chances are, if they are seasoned hiring managers, they will initially be vetting the candidate to see if he or she is a good fit for the department or team culture. You most likely provide some of this as well on a phone screen to ensure that a candidate will be a good fit with your organization’s culture, as well as confirm that he or she actually WANTS to work at your organization. The process of determining cultural fit obviously works both ways, and you are most likely aware that the culture of your Finance Department is markedly different than the culture of your Marketing or IT Department.

As a recruiter, you probably develop a better sense of how these internal cultures differ the longer you’ve been with an organization, but are not immersed in another department’s culture on a day-to-day basis, so there will be subtleties that only a member of that department or team can articulate.


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