The following is an excerpt from our new guide for recruiters, “The Feeding and Care of your Hiring Manager.”
Why not use Skype for all video interviewing requirements?
Skype is great for quick, informal video conversations and one-off meetings with fellow employees in other regions. However, if you are as serious as we are about providing the most professional, high quality candidate experience, you will want to consider a tool like InterviewStream that is built specifically to provide the best possible experience for that purpose.
A Testimonial from Jim Lyons, President of LH International Investigative Executive Search:
Issue: If you don’t know it, both versions of Skype (the paid and unpaid) do not offer either party to the discussion privacy. You can be recorded!
My Experience: I conducted what I had thought was a private conversation between myself and an interested candidate. It was clear during the course of the interview the candidate was not qualified for the role. The candidate indicated that she may know of several interested professionals and would pass my name along. What she did was record and pass the entire interview to over 70 employees of her firm. Result: Legal action, legal fees and considerable embarrassment.
Note: The InterviewStream Solution eliminates this risk by disabling recording capabilities. Operationally, the process and template based questions have received strong outside legal opinions from the employment law community and have been approved by the EEOC. Lastly, from a marketing prospective InterviewStream allows a hiring manager to deliver a great commercial about their company and the role.
As an executive search professional (with a legal background) for over 20 years, I strongly recommend all executive search professionals and inside corporate recruiters look closely at InterviewSteam for its value as both a compliance/risk avoidance and marketing solution.