3 Ways to Find the Right Fit of Video Interviewing Technology for Your Hiring Process

  | February 19, 2015

At InterviewStream, one thing is clear from our many talks with talent acquisition professionals around the world: There is no single one-size-fits-all approach to hiring and recruiting. Every organization molds its own hiring process to fit its own needs.

This means that anyone looking to change their organization’s process or implement new technology must not only ensure that they have an effective product to meet their hiring goals, but they must also consider whether it will fit with their unique environment.

It is this dynamic that drives InterviewStream to focus on the right fit of video solutions to fit our clients’ needs. Here are three ways find the right fit of video interviewing technology for your hiring or recruiting model:

  1. Pre-Recorded or Live Video?

Many organizations may be interested in transforming their initial screening process into one that is more efficient and consistent across interviews. In this case, pre-recorded video would be an appropriate solution.

However, some organizations will be most interested in reducing travel commitments for long-distance candidates later in the interview process. This is where a comprehensive live video solution would be the right fit.

Additionally, pre-recorded video gives highly-desirable passive candidates the opportunity to take an initial screening interview at their own convenience. This provides a better candidate experience and allows the passive candidate to easily work around their already busy work schedule.

  1. Standalone Platform or ATS Integration?

While some firms utilize an all-inclusive applicant tracking system (ATS) for their entire recruiting and hiring system, others take a more piecemeal approach to their recruiting software. This makes the search for a video interviewing solution more difficult, as you must not only find the right tools to find the right candidates but also the right tools to fit within your existing recruiting infrastructure.

In some cases, fully-integrated video interview software provides the best solution to give everyone involved in recruiting the tools they need to find great people. However, in some situations, a standalone platform is able to work around the constraints of any ATS and potentially give the power users of the software a better user experience. Whatever the case, you must focus on finding the solution that will fit the needs of those who will use the product on a daily basis.

  1. Employer Branding

Your company’s candidate experience directly affects your employer brand. Whether through direct referrals (both positive and negative) or sites like Glassdoor, the opinions of those who go through your recruiting process will influence others, including potential top performers.

This means that your video interviewing technology must incorporate your brand in order to deliver a consistent experience and drive high-quality employee referrals.

These three questions will help you decide if your video technology solution is truly the right fit for your organization. While we don’t pretend this is an exhaustive list, we hope that it helps you make a more informed decision when you decide to implement new technology.

InterviewStream’s goal is to find the right fit of our solutions to help improve organizations make a better and more efficient hiring process. Our Video Technology Consultants respect the needs of our users and always strive to provide an excellent experience for everyone who depends on our products. If you would like to learn more about enhancing your hiring and recruiting with video interviewing, contact us or attend one of our free, no-pressure group product tours.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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