Online Sales Training – June 2014 RolePlayPRO News Roundup

  | July 6, 2014

June 2014 RolePlayPRO News Roundup:

We, here at RolePLayPRO, rounded up the latest training news from June 2014. Here are the top five pieces we didn’t want you to miss.

1. 2014 Training Trends & HR’s Role in the Training Process

Over 1,050 organizations provided insights regarding their employee training practices and methods, in a brand new BLR Training and Development survey. The researchers at BLR then developed a detailed and comprehensive info-graphic (see right) which examines the results from said survey. The visual aid observes the most popular compliance training topics, time length of training sessions, materials used and more.

2. The Direct Path to Training

So often managers assume that simply sending their staff to take a training course is the fix all solution. Unfortunately, this approach rarely works out for the long term good of the company. This article provides five steps organizations can take in order to successfully design and implement a training program delivering positive results.

The first two steps are assessing real business needs and aligning the solution with the corporate strategy. Then, after delivering active learning and holding people accountable, the organization can analyze and calculate results.

3. How Big Is The Training Market?

The size of the training market is incredibly difficult to determine because it has been found that companies have a tendency to be wary about reporting actual expenditures for training. Regardless, this article strives to give readers a better understanding of the size of the market by providing statistical data. Below are a just a couple statistics that can be found in this article:

  • The global market for training expenditures in 2013 was about $306.9B, an increase from $291.7B in 2012.
  • The top 5 non-BPO market segments for outsourced training are IT ($2.9 billion), Leadership ($2.6 billion), Learning Technologies ($4.0 billion), Sales Training ($2.2 billion), and Content Development ($3.5 billion).

4.  Sustaining Training’s Impact

Two major factors when sustaining a training program’s impact are time and speed. Through the examination of three research studies, the author of this article collected a group of factors demonstrating the real impact of time or speed on training programs. Then the group factors were evaluated and compared with how cost effects sustainability.

The author found that the most effective corporations are those that utilize long-term or continuous training programs to sustain the impact of training. Also, irrespective of the budget, companies are looking for cost-effective ways to deliver the training.

5. Employee Recognition Training – Teach Individual Recognition

Employee recognition is a communication tool that reinforces and rewards the most important outcomes people create for your business.. Recognition is essentially positive feedback that lets employees know they are valued and appreciated by their coworkers and the organization. When you recognize people effectively, you reinforce, with your chosen means of recognition, the actions and behaviors you most want to see people repeat

This article reviews a blog posted by Tabitha Russell noting the criteria of effective recognition, including the importance of acknowledging the successful employee as an individual. The author notes that several recognition keys and stresses the importance of training managers on this issue.


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