Unlocking Integrations: The Essential Guide to Integrating Video Interviewing & Scheduling Into Your ATS

Integration connection showing two systems being connected

The rundown

  • API Integration Benefits: Integrating video interviewing, scheduling tools, and your ATS improves data flow, streamlines the hiring process, and enhances the candidate experience by automating communication and reducing manual errors.
  • Integration Steps: See step-by-step instructions for integrating video interviewing software with your ATS, including gathering API credentials, setting up a testing environment, implementing core functionalities, and ensuring a smooth transition between recruitment stages.
  • Best Practices: Learn the importance of data security, thorough documentation, and staying updated with API changes to maintain a seamless and efficient integration process.

Table of contents

Applicant tracking systems (ATS), video interviewing software, and interview scheduling tools are no longer a luxury – they’re the backbone of modern hiring. But managing them all separately can be a time-consuming headache. Here’s the good news: by integrating these tools, you can supercharge your hiring pipeline with increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Many video interviewing and interview scheduling tools offer pre-built integrations that are easy to implement, but what if the video interviewing and scheduling tools you use don’t have an existing integration with your ATS?

The solution: interviewstream offers an open API, like a digital handshake, allowing you to seamlessly connect our video interviewing and interview scheduling tools with your existing hiring system. This guide and checklist will be your roadmap to navigating the integration process, giving you a clear overview of how to connect interviewstream with any ATS using an open API.

Understanding the Basics of API Integration

What is an API?

Imagine your applicant tracking system (ATS) and video interviewing tools as different languages. An API acts as a translator, allowing them to exchange information seamlessly. APIs define clear instructions for how software systems interact, enabling them to share data and functionalities.

Pro-tip: If you’re using an applicant tracking system that’s included in interviewstream’s existing partner integrations, that’s great news! You can leverage a seamless connection for video interviewing and scheduling. Contact our team today to get started. For those using a different ATS, read on to learn more about building a custom integration through our open API.


Importance of API Integration in Recruitment

Why would you want to integrate? Integrations in recruitment technology offer several benefits:

  • Simplified Data Flow: Integrations creates a smooth connection between your ATS and digital interviewing tools. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, moving back and forth between multiple systems, reducing manual errors, and saving valuable time.
  • Streamlined Hiring Process: Integrating systems allows your hiring teams to manage interviews entirely within your ATS. This saves time, improves efficiency, and allows hiring teams to focus on what matters most – evaluating candidates and making informed hiring decisions.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: By streamlining your hiring process, you create a more positive experience for candidates—and many of today’s candidates appreciate a faster and more efficient interview process. For example, interviewstream handles automated email and text communication for you throughout the hiring process. By integrating your systems, you take streamlining communication one step further, keeping your candidates in the loop all the way from application to signed new hire paperwork.


Preparing for Integration

Assess Your Current ATS

Before jumping into the integration process, take a moment to assess your current ATS. Here’s what you should do:

  • Know Your System: Ask your IT team to review your ATS’s API documentation. This will reveal what your system can (and can’t) do when it comes to an open API integration.
  • Define Your Goals: Once you understand your ATS’s capabilities, think about what you want to achieve with the integration. What does your current hiring process look like and which virtual interviewing tools do you want to integrate? Having clear goals will guide the integration process. Determine what you aim to achieve, such as improving hiring efficiency, enhancing candidate experience, or automating the interviewing and scheduling process. Identifying what goals and specific features to integrate will guide the process.


Steps to Integrate Video Interviewing Software into Your ATS

Ready to get started? Here’s your roadmap:

Step 1: Gather Your API Keys/Credentials

Think of API credentials as your secret handshake with our system. To get them, reach out to your account manager or contact us here. They’ll help you add the integration to your plan and provide the API documentation and keys you’ll need. These keys ensure secure access to our services.


Step 2: Set Up Your Testing Ground

Team up with your IT team to create a testing environment. This is a safe space to experiment with the integration before going live. Make sure your environment can handle the interviewstream API and has everything it needs to function smoothly.


Step 3: Make First Contact

Start by making some basic API calls in the testing environment. Think of it as saying “hello” to the system. This helps you understand how the API works and what information it uses. It’s a great way to get comfortable with the system before pushing anything live.


Step 4: Connect the Core Functionality

Implement the core features of the video interviewing and scheduling software within your ATS. This includes embedding video interview functionalities and enabling scheduling through the ATS. Ensure that the integration supports seamless transitions between different stages of the recruitment process.

Depending on how your team structures the integration, you’ll be able to manage candidate applications, scheduling, video interviews, evaluations, automated communications, and data directly through your applicant tracking system. This step should be guided by the goals you set out in the previous sections, with seamless transitions between your different recruitment stages being key.


Step 5: Test & Refine

Before your team pushes the integration live, put the integration through its paces with thorough testing. Make sure data flows smoothly and accurately. This is where you iron out any wrinkles before going live.


Step 6: Go Live and Monitor

Push the integration live and keep an eye on the system’s performance. Reach out to your IT team or interviewstream support if anything isn’t working as expected.


Checklist for a Successful Integration

Pre-Integration Checklist

Assess ATS compatibility
Review API documentation with your IT team
Define integration goals

Integration Checklist

Obtain API credentials from your account manager
Set up a testing environment with your IT team
Make initial API calls
Connect core features
Test and validate integration

Post-Integration Checklist

Monitor integrated system performance
Address troubleshooting needs
Conduct regular maintenance


Best Practices for API Integration

Security First

Protect your sensitive data! Use strong authentication methods like the validated API keys provided by your account manager. Encryption is also your friend here. On top of that, interviewstream takes your data security seriously. interviewstream’s compliance with GDPR for personal data and SOC 2 Type 2 certification demonstrate our commitment to rigorous information security practices.


Document Your Journey

Have your team keep clear and up-to-date records of your integration process. This documentation will be a lifesaver for future maintenance and troubleshooting, should anything happen.


Stay Updated

APIs can change, so make sure your team is up to date with any updates or modifications. The integration documentation provided by your account manager will be your guide here. Regular testing and improvements are key to maintaining a smooth-running integration.


How interviewstream Can Help

Ready to streamline your hiring process? Integrating interviewstream with your ATS can take hiring to the next level for your team. Follow the steps, checklist, and best practices outlined in this guide to get started.

Need a Jumpstart?

  • Request a Demo: See interviewstream integrations in action and discover how we can make your hiring process more efficient and effective today.
  • Get Configuration Help: Our team is here to assist you with configuring your custom integration!

About interviewstream

interviewstream is an industry leading recruiting software company that helps you throughout every stage of the hiring process. Our customers have completed over 3 million interviews using interview on demand, interview scheduler, interview connect, AI Recruiting Assistant, and interview insights – and we’d love to help you increase your hiring effectiveness and efficiency. Talk to an expert today to learn how to get started.

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About interviewstream

interviewstream is an HR technology company that exists to help recruiters and hiring teams simplify every stage of the hiring process. Using our video interviewing platform, interview scheduling tools, AI Recruiting Assistant, advanced analytics, and onboarding tools your team can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of every stage of your hiring process – from screening to new employee training.

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For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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