3 Pre-Recorded Video Recruiting Myths

  | July 9, 2015

Here is the truth about three common myths we hear about pre-recorded video recruiting:


Myth #1: Video Technology will replace the recruiter’s job of screening candidates.

Truth: Recruiters are professional judges of character. Video technology, when used correctly, keeps them in the driver’s seat of screening and hiring.

Video technology is not a program that will automate humans out of the recruiting process. Instead, it’s a tool that will help you do your job better and more efficiently.

Recruiters often say that they know within the first 30 seconds of an interview whether the candidate will be a good fit for the position. By speaking with so many candidates and having the experience of working within their industry, recruiters are the key element in finding the right fit for both the candidate and the employer.

Without recruiters, employers would miss out on top talent and potential high-impact hires. We don’t want our technology to remove that from the process; we want to make your job easier so that you can place more candidates.


Myth #2: The advantages obtained from a pre-recorded video interview are similar to ones gained in a live “Skype interview.”

Truth: Both live and pre-recorded video interviews are useful tools, but they have different advantages.

Live video conferencing is a powerful way to connect to people around the world without the hassle of travelling. Like a phone call, you have a live conversation, but the addition of video allows you to communicate using nonverbals. But also like a phone call, you have to set an appointment and block out a portion of your calendar for the conversation.

With pre-recorded interviews, you don’t have to set an appointment with a candidate. This makes it more convenient for the candidate who can take the video interview at the best time for them instead of during a lunch break or other time during the workday. It also helps you in that you don’t have to block out time for multiple screening interviews over the phone when you can instead review pre-recorded responses at your convenience.

An additional benefit to using pre-recorded interviewing over live video interviews for screening is that you can guarantee that every question is asked exactly the same every time. There is no way that your verbiage or tone of voice can change at all if you use the same recording for every candidate. This ensures verifiable compliance and consistency in every interview.

InterviewStream offers both live and pre-recorded video as tools to help recruiters do their job more effectively. Each format has its own advantages and best use-cases.


Myth #3: In order to create a successful pre-recorded interview, I need to record my questions using a professional studio, including professional lighting, microphones and a makeup artist.

Truth: Pre-recorded video is a completely different medium than professional studio video. Think of preparing for recording your video questions as being similar to the amount of time you might have spent practicing for a quick presentation you will give your team members.

Communicating via webcam is not a formal medium like previous generations of video presentations. Most internet users have become accustomed to consuming video content from accessible technology such as smartphones and integrated laptop webcams. The technology is widely-available and works with basic broadband connections.

Most current-generation webcams and smartphones have the capability to stream and upload HD-quality video. Even though not all webcams will provide the quality of a professional video set, the quality will be clear enough to be able to communicate effectively and have an enjoyable experience. This means as long as candidates prepare like they would for an in-person interview, the experience will be comparable.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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