Acquiring Top Talent Is More Competitive Than Ever

  | June 10, 2013

It’s no secret that the market has slowly turned back to a job-seeker’s world following the several-year stint of outrageously high unemployment rates, but what may be a surprise for some is just how much the United States is hurting for good talent.

According to a recent survey conducted for Right Management, “only 4 percent of U.S.-based HR executives said they have an ample pipeline that will cover most of their needs.”

This means the talent pool for recruiters is limited, so considerations such as employer branding and company reputation are more important now than ever. Recruiters and hiring managers must adapt from the old “what can candidates do to impress me” way of thinking, to a mindset centered on what THEY can do to excite and attract talented job seekers.

Partner with Marketing
HR executives should be working closely with marketing and PR departments to ensure that the organization’s brand is being leveraged to the fullest – because who doesn’t want to work for a company they like and everyone knows? Marketing and communications departments can also add their expertise to many different pieces of the hiring cycle, from polishing  job descriptions to helping create advertisements, working with people that already have the skills and tools to “sell” your organization can really pay off.

Cultivate Talent Early
Beef up campus recruiting efforts and offer robust internship programs to get a leg-up on the competition for new grads. Not only will an enhanced effort on college campuses assist employer branding, but utilizing interns can help identify and grow talent from an early stage. With the increasingly short attention span of today’s teens and young adults, it’s important to grab their attention and impress quickly – consider engaging with students through humor on social media accounts to express personality and using cutting-edge technology, such as video interviewing, during the hiring process to show them you are forward-thinking.

Tools offered by InterviewStream offer enhanced employer branding, innovative technology and a fantastic candidate experience, giving recruiters an edge on the competition.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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