Another Spin on Resolutions: Helping You Hit Your 2020 Recruiting Goals

Amanda Palczynski | January 3, 2020

It’s officially a new decade and with so many friends and peers kicking off their New Year’s resolutions, it seems like a good time to offer a few ways to help. Fun fact: In a survey conducted by YouGov, exercising more often and eating healthier topped Americans’ intended resolutions for 2019. Saving money followed, and losing weight took fourth place. While interviewstream cannot directly help you lose weight or eat healthier, we can help you save some time and money recruiting (and then you might be able to spend more time on your non-work related resolutions). 

Recruiting and hiring can be a long process and can often feel make us feel like we’re running a marathon on a stationary treadmill. Converting candidates into new hires too fast can also be a recipe for disaster for a lot of the same reasons that so many of us fall short of our resolutions. We try to accomplish too much all at once, too quickly and without a clear goal in mind. And we don’t know who can help us in the process, which makes even starting to work on the resolution sometimes tough. 

So to kick off 2020 right, the team at interviewstream thought we’d offer up a few things we can do to help make your hiring and interviewing process a little easier. We resolve to help you:

1. Take the snafu out of scheduling through automation.

Having problems lining up the managers’ group peer interview to fall before the VP of Sales is available for one hour to conduct the final 1:1 with the candidate? Sudden availability or lack thereof can make scheduling interviews take longer than it should. With a simple integration of interview scheduler, hiring teams can reduce the time they spend scheduling interviews by 84%.

2. Skip the lengthy call and get more quality info on candidates before you meet them.

Okay, sounds gimmicky, right? Hear me out, it’s simpler and much less illustrious than looking into your HR crystal ball. In fact, it’s rooted in the use of a tool trademarked in consistency that brought companies like The Hershey Company a 40% savings in cost-to-hire. With the ability to lay out fully-custom interview questions based on your company’s hiring needs and have them answer a few quick questions on demand, you’ve now got an instant, snackable set of candidate data that’s more than just an electronic resume for your hiring manager.

3. Go mobile– or at least allow your candidates and hiring teams to go there.

American adults aged 18-65 are constantly online on their smartphones or tablets (yes, we’re talking all ages – this is not just a Millennial or Gen Xer thing). And it’s tough for the most in-demand candidates to get away from their busy schedules and do an interview in person without being sure you’re right for them. In good news, the interviewstream platform can be accessed virtually anywhere with a browser. And since your hiring managers are usually reading emails on their phones, it’s important to know they can review the interviews there as well.

Your resolutions don’t have to get shelved early on, nor do they have to feel largely undefined despite having great intentions to back them up. We’d like to help make sure that you’re not one of only 31% of people that are able to stick to your own resolutions this year. 

So let interviewstream (and our team) free up some time so that you can work on your own 2020 resolutions. These key improvements in your hiring process will help you directly impact hitting your company’s hiring goals as we head into the next decade of happy hiring. 

For more tips and tricks on how you can improve your hiring this year, please check out our blog posts or subscribe to receive regular emails from the interviewstream team in 2020 (and beyond).

About The Author

Amanda Palczynski is the Brand Program Manager at interviewstream. She is a perfectionist for accuracy; loves getting crafty with hand lettering and typography; and can speak strictly in quotes from The Office for any occasion.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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