Do Candidates Dislike Video Interviews? Candidate Experience Best Practices for Virtual Interviewing

Caroline Chessia | February 10, 2023

When it comes to hiring solutions and technology, video interviewing is a game changer – for both the hiring company and the candidate. 

While some people may not like video interviews, 92% of candidates have a positive experience. For candidates who have interviewing anxiety or those who have conflicting schedules, video interviews are a massive plus. For the 8% who aren’t sold, we’ve made a list of common objections to video interviews and how to solve them.

Recorded Video Interviews Are Difficult to Use

Au contraire. If you are using a product specifically built for video interviewing, the process is easy as pie. 

Pre-recorded video interviews allow your candidates to answer screening questions anytime, anywhere. Giving them the flexibility they need, especially when currently working. Use these tips to make sure everyone understands the process:

  • Explain the process thoroughly in your email – how to take a video interview, what next steps are, when they will be notified (via email or SMS), and who to get in touch with if any issues arise.
  • Don’t ask the same questions in a virtual interview and an in person or live video interview. Review their answers and send responses to all stakeholders.
  • Consider allowing re-takes. People who are new to digital interviewing might have problems and allowing retakes alleviates anxiety. If you do allow re-takes in your interview, let the candidate know how many attempts they’ll have for each question.
  • Direct candidates to training resources
  • Follow up with candidates after they record their interview. Send an email to everyone, not just those who are moving forward in the interviewing process. You can even automate this email or bulk email from inside your digital interviewing platform.
  • Keep video interviews short – don’t make candidates answer 10 questions. Choose 3 – 5 questions that let you get the pulse of your candidate’s skills.

One Way Video Interviews are Impersonal

Yes, you’re asking someone to talk to themselves on camera, but how many people do that daily already? I send audio messages to my friends and record myself on instagram and TikTok constantly. Candidates that have grown up in the selfie generation usually aren’t going to make a fuss about interviewing virtually.

For candidates that aren’t as accustomed to documenting their lives on video, this is where your choice of video interviewing software comes in. 

Pick an interviewing tool that allows you to record a video yourself welcoming the candidate. You can ask the questions via video, audio, or text with interviewstream’s platform. The personalization and human touch goes a long way to putting candidates at ease.

on demand or one way video interview product gif

Video Interviews Lack a Human Touch

When presented well, video technology is really more of an asset than a barrier for forging connection during an interview. According to Gayle Wiley, CPO of Lifesize, “Video conferencing for job interviews provides the opportunity for the candidate to present themselves, in quite literally, the best possible light.” 

Video interviewing actually gives the interviewee a lot more control over the impression they make. A lot of companies use resume scanning tech to look for words they want to see on a resume, but a video interview brings that resume to life. Charity Comella, Director of Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer at the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District says:

“It really brings to life the [candidate’s] resume, it’s just a whole step above just screening resumes.”

In addition to getting a better understanding of your candidates, you’ll have more time to dedicate to them. Automating your recruiting process and screening with recorded interviews gives you time back to make sure every candidate is contacted.

See How You Can Improve Your Candidate Experience With Interviewing Tools

Video interviewing is here to stay — and the companies who are currently using it have a leg up on competitors who are devoting a lot more manual time to screening and scheduling interviews.

Don’t let candidates slip through the cracks because you don’t have enough time. Screen every candidate, automate emails, and create a better candidate experience by simplifying interviewing with an interviewing platform.

Interested in learning more? Learn more about video interviewing with interviewstream. Or contact one of our experts to see how we can help you create an excellent video interview candidate experience. 

About The Author

Caroline Chessia is the Marketing Operations Specialist at interviewstream. She loves color-coordinated graphs, hiking in the mountains, and every dog she meets—especially the Golden Retrievers.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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