May 2014 HR News Roundup

interviewstream  | June 17, 2014

Here are the HR news pieces we didn’t want you to miss from May 2014!

We welcome submissions for future HR news roundups in the comments section. 

How to Successfully Implement Video Job Descriptions

This article is the second of two parts regarding video job descriptions. The first part discusses the benefits of video job descriptions, but this article discusses ways to successfully implement it in any hiring system. Topics that the author discusses include who should create the video, what content should the video should include, who should be in the video, video length and location. The author makes a note that video job descriptions should supplement, not replace, the text job descriptions. He also adds additional suggestions, the difference between a video job description and a branding video as well as an example of how it leads to positive results.

Video is beginning to expand beyond interviewing, so it’s important for HR to stay atop of the trends occurring in the video space to make the most use out of this technology. As society becomes more engaged though visual communication, it’s important for HR to adapt to reach as many people as possible. Using video job descriptions as a supplement to text can give candidates a better picture of what the job entails. This can also eliminate people who may not be a good fit, therefore saving resources that would have been used on those candidates.

Mobile Management Goes Beyond the Device

Mobile use has increased astronomically over the past few years with many people using their phones to do basic functions that used to be done over the company. According to a USA Today article, tablets are set to outsell PCs this year because many people are constantly on the go and need something portable. This article discusses what the title says: mobile management goes beyond the device. The author begins with a brief introduction about the importance of mobile and avoiding siloed endeavors. Many people depend on mobility while at work, but there are various platforms that people use making it more difficult to manage than a few years ago. The different apps are also a topic of discussion. The second part is about data analysis and exchanges.

This article brings to light the issues that come up when dealing with mobile management. Just like any other advancements, there are best practices/strategies to make the most of new technologies. When it comes to mobile management, there are various platforms, apps and plans that must be managed, so it’s more elaborate than a few years ago. Understanding the difficulties in managing mobility and going beyond device can save the organization trouble in the long run.

Succession Planning: A Crucial Ingredient for Long-Term Success

Succession planning is critical to any organization’s future success because the new leaders dictate how the organization will operate. If unsuccessful, those people can be responsible for running the company into the ground. This article provides tips and guidelines to best make the transition. The first topic the author argues is the whether or not an organization should build leaders internally or recruit externally. Next, the article transitions into potential strengths the future successor should possess. The author also notes the differences between high performers and people with high potential and what smart organizations do when time comes to groom a successor.

This article is important for organizations that don’t have a succession plan because it provides a few ideas that leaders must think about when planning for a successor. This article also applies to organizations that have already implemented a succession plan because it lists strengths that evaluators must look for in addition to providing the difference between high potential and high performers. The advice offered in both articles can be used to create new or evaluate plans, making it a useful read regardless of what stage an organization’s succession plan is at.

How to Get Employees to Push the Limits

The author uses Meryl Streep’s character from the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” as a person who brings out the best in employees. Despite her character flaws, the author only notes the positive qualities such as having a high standard, being direct, being human and demanding the best. He uses these points to transition to managerial lessons that can be learned from her redeeming qualities that can be used to get the most from any employee.

According to this article, 52 percent of people do just enough not to get fired. These people coast through work only doing the bare minimum. This is a disservice to not only the organization, but also consumers because no one is being challenged or bringing their “A” game. The idea of “getting by” can be infectious and lead to dire consequences for the company. Additionally, the office culture becomes defined by mediocrity. This can lead to a lesser quality product and an opportunity for competition to catch up or surpass the organization. This article discusses Streep’s ability to bring the best out of people and avoid complacency in the workforce.

Race for the Top Tech Talent

The demand for the top tech talent has never been higher due to the continuous advancements in technology. As technology continues to change at a rapid pace, companies must recruit the top tech people to keep up and come up with new innovations. This article provides three steps on how to recruit these candidates. The first step is about finding tech talent and gives four examples of social sites that are more popular among these candidates. In order to effectively recruit the top tech talent, recruiters must go where they are. The second step is to differentiate yourself from the competition and the third step talks about keeping their attention.

This article is of use just for the first part alone. It gives examples of four social networking site where top tech talents visit frequently and well as the usefulness of each. For a recruiter, it’s important to know where specific target candidates are in order to best reach them. Additionally, as technology continues to dominate the workforce, it’s vital for companies to recruit the best talent despite the shortages in the talent pool.  

Five Methods to Help Choose Between Two Equally Qualified Candidate

During the hiring process, an organization may find itself in a situation where HR must choose between two qualified candidates. The choice is never an easy one, but this article provides five methods HR can use to help make the best decision. The first method is to make a SWOT analysis and using it to see which candidate would best address the needs of the organization. Another method is to conduct another interview in which the candidates would interview with other members of the organization and receive everyone’s input on who would be the best fit. Other methods include measuring the candidate’s enthusiasm about the job, viewing them in a relaxed setting and putting the candidates on the spot.

As companies are beginning to reach final decisions on hiring, many are faced with the dilemma of having two qualified candidates. While from a HR standpoint, it’s a good thing to have talent to choose from, there can be a wrong decision. No one is a sure thing, but a thorough evaluation can prevent a wrong choice from being made. The five methods described in the article evaluate not only the different skills and abilities the candidate has, but also enables the employer to evaluate the candidate in different environments.

Predictions for the Future of Digital Talent Acquisition: Content (Part 1 of 3)

This article is a series of three trends that will be vital in talent acquisition. The author begins with a broad explanation about the changes occurring in technology and the effects it has on jobs. He then transitions to talk about the explosion of content creation over the past two years and how organizations are now producing their own content. The article also suggests being strategic about the content produced – meaning, the content must provide an organization’s target audience the information they want on their own terms. The author also discusses the issue of fast versus slow content and the growth of brand investment.

There are a great deal of changes occurring in talent acquisition space as many try to come out winners in the talent war. The demand for top talent is at an all-time high despite the number of people who are unemployed. An organization that wants to attract top talent must be aware of the changes occurring in the industry to best adapt. Understanding the various trends such as content creation in this case, can lead to a greater sphere of influence which can attract more people. Creating content allows one to establish oneself as a though leader in a particular industry making the organization more desirable. Organization that adapt and say atop of trends are able to engage and attract an audience, which can include top talent.

Strength Lies in Differences, Not Similarities

This article is about the issue of diversity and the need for it in the workplace. The article argues about the strength in having different people in the company to bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to the table. The article also provides examples of organizations that effectively advance diversity through various processes. He does reference what his own company tries to do, but those lessons can be applied to any organization. The author notes the importance of welcoming different perspectives and using it to help the company succeed. According to the article, the knowledge that different people bring is what will lead to the success of the organization.

Diversity is a pressing issue in today’s workforce due to the diversity in America and the importance of international marketing in large corporations. Many people acknowledge the issue, but it continues to be a problem. This isn’t just about ethnic diversity, but every kind of diversity. A business thrives when there are different viewpoints because they can bring something different to the discussion. Their ideas can help spur greater innovations which can benefit a company. Also diverse people each have their own groups that they can relate to, so it’s vital for a company to get their view points to best relate to different publics.


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