6 Creative Uses for Video Interviewing Technology

Caroline Chessia | June 3, 2022

Creative uses for video interviews help encourage usage when you have a video interviewing solution that you primarily use at one point of the year.Although video interviewing technology is primarily intended for, well, interviewing, you can find uses for video interviewing technology that aren’t limited to hiring. You can also use video interviewing tech to develop your staff, form connections with your employees, and onboard new employees. These different uses for video interviews can be really helpful when you have a video interviewing solution that you primarily use at one point of the year, such as the holiday season for retail or spring for K12 school districts and school boards.

1. Onboarding For New Hires  

Every new employee needs to go through training to best understand company culture and procedures. Often companies fail to ask the trainees their takeaways from the time spent in these training sessions. Assessing your training programs is essential to ensure you are setting your new hires up for success to become long-term employees. The trick is to get an honest assessment.

At the end of a training period, trainers can send the trainees a link to answer a list of questions regarding the training program. Trainees may feel more comfortable talking candidly to a screen than to a person, especially if offering criticism. These responses can then be reviewed and used to adjust training procedures. They can also be used to assess if the feedback improves after implementing changes to the training program.

2. Training and Upskilling Current Employees  

Take a look at your company’s KPIs – are you lacking in any areas? For example, products that are released slower than anticipated or the average point of sale declining? To ensure that the cause is not due to a lack of training from your sales team (or product team), explore testing their skills and/or learn what experience they are providing their customers.

Send your sales team a link to a one way video interview with preloaded questions that mimic the customer experience. The responses that each salesperson provides will give you a deeper insight into their product knowledge and sales technique. It will also indicate if they are able to offer solutions to customers to upsell products or experiences. A few example questions are:

  • Ask a situational question – customers are more likely to need help in the store than at the register so use this to test your employee’s knowledge of the product.
  • How well does the team working the registers discuss the store’s VIP program and benefits?
  • Can your staff rectify the issues from your fulfillment center in the brick and motor store?

3. Personalize and Strengthen Your Team  

A stronger team stays together for longer, minimizing turnover and creating success for everyone. Companies often overlook the smallest, yet most impactful, ways to create this team – support and recognition. Using video interviewing tech can help you contribute to your team-building initiative. 

We all know how difficult it is to gather all your employees on a monthly or even quarterly basis. To help those who are going to miss out on a meeting, send one-way interviews to people asking them to shout out whoever they feel deserves recognition or congratulate an employee that has completed a milestone. That way, even if they aren’t present in the actual meeting, they will still feel heard and have the chance to speak.

4. Leverage Two-Way Video Interviews for Mentorship Programs

Two-way video interviews are also called live video interviews, and these can be really helpful for remote teams. While this tool is super beneficial to the hiring process, it is just as beneficial after the fact.

Use two-way video interviews in your Mentorship program to connect employees and share experiences and knowledge. These programs show new employees that you are invested in their growth and all-star veteran employees that you recognize their value within the organization. 

5. Solving Problems in Retail  

Retail has seen a roller coaster of growth and evolution over the years. The past two years have presented a unique set of challenges concerning both supply chain issues and a labor shortage. Employee retention and knowledge sharing should be your top priorities. Use two-way video interviews as a way for store managers to speak to each other to discuss common issues they are seeing and share ideas on how to improve their stores. These conversations can be recorded and shared among executives or other store managers.

Does one store have access to a product while another has a shortage? Although this information may be lurking in a database somewhere, these managers may not know where to find it or have access to it. These personal conversations are the fastest way to strengthen business relationships and expedite uncovering problems and find resolutions.

6. Support in Education  

Every year, a teacher’s job becomes more and more challenging, even without the added stress of navigating a pandemic. Every teacher knows there is a variety of learning styles in all classrooms. Does every teacher know every style? 

To provide support and share ideas of different ways to help support students, teachers within a district or school board but at different schools can easily connect with each other and discuss their challenges. Teachers new to the classroom can ask questions to veteran teachers about classroom setup, how to best support the classroom during disruptions, and lean on each other when the challenges of the classroom are especially stressful.

Different Uses for Video Interviewing Technology with interiewstream

interviewstream simplifies and modernizes the interview process, as well as helps you retain and develop your staff. Contact a hiring expert today to talk about how we can think outside of the box and utilize these tools to provide added support within your organization.

About The Author

Caroline Chessia is the Marketing Operations Specialist at interviewstream. She loves color-coordinated graphs, hiking in the mountains, and every dog she meets—especially the Golden Retrievers.


For over 20 years, interviewstream has been committed to driving hiring success for a diverse range of clients, including K-12 school districts, healthcare organizations, government agencies, emerging businesses, mid-sized companies, large enterprises, and institutions of higher education.

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